Monthly Themes
Themes vary depending on the ages of the children and time of the year. Most of the school-age projects are related to what the children are learning in the public schools. Check with your center.
Infants, 6 weeks to 6 months:
INNOVATIONS: The Comprehensive Infants Curriculum.
Activities include:
¨ listening and responding to the oral language of teachers
¨ The opportunity to see an touch interesting books
¨ Listening to books, poems, and literature
¨ Develop muscle strength
¨ Brain development activities
¨ Developing the sense of hearing, seeing, touch, taste, and smell
The Comprehensive Toddlers Curriculum
Learning Objectives:
¨ Me and my body
¨ Making friends
¨ My neighborhood
¨ Fruits and vegetables
¨ Exploring tools
¨ Space, Sky
¨ Communicating
¨ Big animals, little animals
¨ Problem solving
¨ Construction
¨ Wheels
¨ Expressing feelings
¨ Story Book Characters
Pre-Kindergarten: Nationally Established Houghton Mifflin Curriculum
Learning Objectives: School Readiness
¨ Theme 1 Welcome to School
¨ Theme 2 My Family, My Community
¨ Theme 3 My Five Senses
¨ Theme 4 Seasons All Around
¨ Theme 5 Animals Everywhere
¨ Theme 6 Construction Zone
¨ Theme 7 In the city , In the country
¨ Theme 8 lets move!
¨ Theme 9 Growing and Changing
¨ Theme 10 Ready for Kindergarten!
Heavy Emphasis on :
¨ Science, Math, & Reading
¨ Age appropriate , stimulating materials
The preschool curriculum will cover the following areas:
Movement and Coordination
- Physical attention and relaxation
- Gross motor skills
- Eye-hand, and eye-foot coordination
- Group games
- Creative movement
Autonomy and Social Skills
- Sense of self and personal responsibility
- Working in group setting
Work Habits
- Memory Skills/
- Following directions
- Task persistence and completion
- Oral language
- Nursery rhymes, poems, finger plays/songs
- Emerging literacy skills
- Patters and classifications
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Numbers and numbers sense
- Basic Addition and subtraction
- Money
Orientation in time and space
- Vocabulary
- Measure of time
- Passage of time (past, present, future)
- Actual and represented space
- Simple maps
- Basic geographical concepts
- Human, animal, and plant characteristics
- Physical elements (water, air, and light)
- Tools
- Attend to different sounds
- Imitate and produce sounds
- Listen and sing
- Listen and move
Visual arts
- Attend to visual detail
- Creating art
- Looking at and talking about art
Although your child’s schedule varies somewhat day to day, a typical flow of a day’s activities is below.
Activity Time:Activities specific to the weekly theme are presented along with basic activities such as puzzles, table manipulatives, dramatic play, blocks, etc.
Group Time:Group times are child-centered participative sessions. The planned group activities include reading, music, movement, finger plays, discussion, dramatization, games, and experience stories.
Outdoor time:The playground is an extension of the classroom. Children can participate in an activity of their own choosing. Inclement weather, special events, or celebrations will occasionally affect the scheduling of outdoor time.
Snacks and Meal Time:Staff sits with children while they are eating, encouraging and participating in quiet conversation.
Rest Time:Children are given the opportunity to nap or rest each day.
Specific activities vary based on age, all are posted weekly in each room. |